Overlanding: What It Is and How To Live It

Overlanding: What It Is and How To Live It

If you’re already an experienced camper and you’re familiar with the world of vehicle-based exploration, you might have heard of the term overlanding. But that doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about it. Don’t worry. We’re more than prepared to tell you exactly what overlanding is and how to live it.

Overlanding Defined

In the most basic terms, overlanding is overland travel. Unlike other forms of travel and vacationing, the fun does not start once you reach your destination—it all starts during the journey.

It means different things to everyone. But the experience involves being self-reliant with a capable off-road vehicle for the traveler to camp out of for months at a time. Going on this journey will be challenging, but that’s the most enjoyable part.

You’ll have to face obstacles you don’t experience in everyday life and that’s where the self-efficiency comes in. You rely on only yourself, and that challenge allows you to see what you’re capable of. The goal is to explore the land and discover your capabilities. You only bring along what you need to stay alive and comfortable.

Overlanding Origins

Overlanding might be popular in the US, but it did not originate here. In fact, it has only become popular in the most recent years. The roots of the travel style trace back to early Australian cattle drivers. They traveled and lived overland with their livestock.

Overlanding is an international phenomenon. You can find these travelers in the US, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. You don’t see much of this activity on the East Coast in the US, but some areas do participate.

The most popular states for overlanding in the US are Utah, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana. Its popularity mainly centered in the Rockies and the West Coast. These areas are more inclined to have an environment for self-reliant people, as the West Coast is less metropolitan than East Coast.

Overlanding vs. Off-roading

Sometimes people get between off-roading and overlanding. There is one distinction between the two. Off-roading is reserved for adventures on un-surfaced roads, whereas overlanding takes on various types of road conditions.

Overlanders will drive on roads and trails with steep heels, large cities, or vast deserts. Additionally, off-roading typically implies an end date. Overlanding does not go on forever, but there is no clear ending in sight. Overlanders can travel and live this way for years if they choose to, while off-roading is sometimes a one-and-done adventure.

Off-roading also could imply a road trip—and those have an end date. Overlanding is also a road trip in a way, but the only accommodation for this style of travel is camping. Travelers can camp out in a standard tent, a rooftop tent, or an RV. If you’re looking for a rooftop tent, then you’ve come to the right place. We can hook you up here at Super Pacific Inc.

Why Do It?

Now that you know a little bit about the origins and what it entails, you might be wondering why people do overlanding. Well, in the simplest of terms, it’s all about freedom. Overlanders have the freedom to explore other areas without any limitations.

People can drive long distances across an entire country and sometimes even expand to international boundaries. That’s what makes it so exciting. You can choose to stay in that area for as long as you wish. There is a lot of freedom, but there are some rules travelers need to be aware of.

You’ll need to have a conservative mind because preserving nature is necessary for this mode of living and traveling. Be mindful of caring for the nature around you. Aside from that, you need to be careful. Safety is very important when overlanding. Always be aware of your surroundings when overlanding or camping.

Overlanding Supplies

Because overlanding requires so much self-reliance, you’ll need to bring a lot of personal items and supplies to remain comfortable. Make sure you bring along camping gear, toiletries, clothes, food, water, as well as compartments to store all your items.

When it comes to camping gear, your main concern should be the tent. We’ve got an amazing aluminum truck bed camper that can handle your overlanding adventures. Keep in mind there will be temperature and climate changes.

Pack clothes that are suitable for warm and cold conditions. Leave room for more because you might need to purchase some supplies during your journey. You’ll also need protection from rain, snow, and other harsh conditions.

Aside from clothes for the temperature, you’ll need to power up your devices. Overlanding does not mean you need to remove yourself from technology completely. Consider bringing along a solar power or generator for your devices and in-house batteries.

Vehicle Necessities

Some people choose to do their overlanding by foot, but we think a vehicle is the best way to go. However, if you’re overlanding in a sedan, you won’t be getting very far. You need a well-equipped vehicle capable of taking you through some difficult roads. It also needs to be big enough to haul all your supplies and create space for extras if necessary.

Plus, you want a car that can handle your camper. You’ll need to install a rack on top and ensure its security. Remember to get your vehicle checked before starting the journey. Car troubles while overlanding can be a real downer. While you’re supposed to be self-reliant, it’s always best to prevent an issue from happening.

Check the brakes, oil, engine, mileage, filters, and any other maintenance concerns for your vehicle. Try and get a time estimate from your mechanic on how long your car can last before needing to be serviced again. If you’re not well-versed in the automobile world, try and learn the basics so you can tend to your vehicle while on the road.

Living the life of an overlander is exhilarating and unpredictable. And now that you know what it is, you might even consider doing it for a few weeks or months at a time. For more information, visit our website.

Overlanding: What It Is and How To Live It

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