Everything You Need To Know About Roof Top Tent Safety

Everything You Need To Know About Roof Top Tent Safety

If you’re looking for a new way to camp, why not give roof top tenting a try? These durable, spacious tents get you off the ground for maximum comfort. Plus, they’re easy to set up and maintain so you can make the most of your camping trip.

Still, camping on your roof doesn’t eliminate common safety concerns. Just as traditional camping takes some prep work, so does roof top camping. With that, here is everything you need to know about roof top tent safety.

Are Roof Top Tents Safe?

To answer your most pressing question: yes, roof top tents are totally safe. The idea of sleeping on a vehicle’s roof leads some people to believe the activity is dangerous. However, roof top tenting is completely safe as long as you do it the right way.

Of course, there are some valid concerns that make people uneasy. For example, how do you protect yourself from bad weather while on top of your roof? What are the falling risks associated with roof top tents? Are they safe to drive with?

If these questions are keeping you from exploring the world of roof top tents, don’t worry—we’re here to put your mind at ease.

How To Stay Safe While Roof Top Tenting

If you want to protect yourself, your vehicle, and your belongings, you’ll need to take a few precautions. We’ll cover all the bases and give you a strong foundation. If you don’t want to cut your camping trip short, make these best practices part of your routine.

Choose a Durable Tent

You can’t always predict the weather. If you’re going on a long camping trip, your ability to beat Mother Nature at her own game decreases—that’s why choosing a durable tent is so important.

The right tent will hold fast through rough rains and rapid winds. It will provide shade from the blazing sun and keep you warm through the toughest winters.

Look for roof top tents that feature strong materials like acrylic-coated polyester. Rainwater and condensation will roll right off this fabric, keeping you and your equipment dry. A sturdy frame won’t bend in the wind, so you can hunker down no matter the conditions.

Drive and Park Carefully

Did you know you can drive with a roof top tent on your vehicle? You don’t have to disassemble and reassemble the tent every time you hit the road. Although, driving carefully with these camping accessories will help you avoid any unfortunate accidents.

You should always follow traffic laws and drive at appropriate speeds. Don’t try to push your vehicle beyond 70 mph; going any faster than that might put you, your tent, and your passengers at risk.

You should also be careful about where you park. For example, you shouldn’t set up camp under large trees or on an incline. Branches could fall on top of your tent, and camping at an angle will make for an uncomfortable night’s sleep.

Don’t Go Over the Weight Limit

High-quality roof top tents and truck bed campers will have high weight capacities. However, you shouldn’t try to max out your vehicle’s weight limit. Keep your truck’s weight limits and the maximum amount of weight your roof top tent can handle in mind.

Super Pacific’s campers and tents can accommodate up to 500 lbs. However, you’ll need to factor in your weight as well as the weight of any guests you have sleeping in the tent with you. Don’t forget about your mattress, gear, and other essential accessories.

Adding weight to your vehicle makes it harder to drive; it’s always better to pack a light load than stuff your tent with unnecessary items.

Close Tent Doors While Sleeping

It’s tempting to unzip your tent screens and sleep in the open air. However, you increase your falling risks when you snooze with the tent doors wide open. Most trucks are at least six feet tall—that’s a long way down.

Super Pacific tents have three screen doors you can zip from the inside. Make sure to close up shop to get a safe night’s sleep.

Keep Everything Secure

Staying safe isn’t just about the weather and falling risks; it’s also about security. You never know who you’re camping next to, so keeping your tent and camping gear secure will protect your stuff from those with sticky fingers.

Use anti-theft straps and locking bolts to secure your tent and accessories. You might also consider investing in a vibrational alarm system to scare away thieves when you’re out exploring the terrain. This way, you can hike, fish, and do other activities away from your campsite without worrying about your things going missing.

Take Safe Camping Precautions

In general, roof top tenting isn’t that much different from traditional camping. Aside from these special safety precautions, you should still follow standard camping practices to protect yourself from the unknown. This means packing for unforeseen circumstances, practicing fire safety, and storing food and trash inconspicuously.

Make sure you bring extra clothing and blankets to keep yourself warm and dry. You should also pack non-perishable food items and plenty of water. Never leave a fire unattended, and store your garbage in trees or air-tight containers to keep wild animals away from your campsite.

Look for Professional Installation

Roof top tents aren’t that difficult to assemble. However, you should look for professional installation services to increase safety conditions. Expert installers will make sure to secure your camper and tent with the most durable hardware so you’ll never worry about falling or breaking your equipment.

Super Pacific will install your truck bed camper free of charge at our Portland shop. This way, you can rest easy knowing your roof top tent is in expert hands. You can’t afford to make a mistake while setting up your camper and tent; investing in professional installations will give you peace of mind.

Get a Safe Roof Top Tent From Super Pacific

Now that you have everything you need to know about roof top tent safety, you’re ready to hit the road. Super Pacific sells and installs lightweight truck campers featuring the highest-quality materials and hardware. Don’t trust just anyone with your roof top tent; get on our list today so we can deliver and install your new camping gear!

Everything You Need To Know About Roof Top Tent Safety

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